Monday, September 23, 2024
Faith BlogFrankfurt

Remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit

“Jesus stays with the disciples despite their sins and betrayal. Instead of being disapointed, frustrated and angry at them, he brought them to a higher level of maturity. Instead of acting the way the disciples acted, he helped them to grow and mature. In this only in this context that we can understand the words of Jesus. “Remain, I am the vine, you the branches, remain in me and I in you, and you will bear much fruit.

Whoever remain in me, and I in him, you will bear much fruit. The only reason that I am a priest and I am a Catholic despite of these scandals that the Church face because of grace and forgiveness that Christ offers to his Church. The fact that the Church is still here after 2,000 years of many abuses, bad examples of followers of Christ, and the Church is still here, for me, that’s a miracle. That only means that the Church really come from God. This Church is really founded by Christ.”

~Father Francis

Reading 1, Acts 9:26-31
Reading 2, First John 3:18-24
Gospel, John 15:1-8