Sunday, September 22, 2024

Frankfurt Community the Celebrates Culmination of the Holy Rosary Month Devotion

After a month long, daily praying together the Holy Rosary via ZOOM, the FCC Frankfurt celebrated the end of the Holy Rosary month on October 31,2021. A Holy Mass was held at the St. Ignatius Church in Frankfurt. Prior to the High Mass, the holy Rosary was prayed. Presider during the High Mass was Father Francis Ofrancia, Chaplain of the Filipino Catholic Communities in the Diocese of Limburg. He was joined by Father Gil Donayre, SJ, a Filipino priest who is doing his Doctorate in Sankt Georgen.

To continue the beautiful Holy Rosary month tradition, there was a short procession inside the church with the Blessed Mother and the Parishioners’ offering of flowers to the Blessed Virgin. Jonalyn Lozanes, FCC Frankfurt Coordinator, expressed her thanks to all those who helped and offered their time, talents & treasure to make the celebration successful & meaningful.