33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Hope in the Coming of the Lord
We are now close to the end of our lecture. Let me invite you to reflect on the readings of today, the 33rd Sunday in the Ordinary Time. If you could still remember our history, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on December 7, 1941.
And after that, they invaded the Philippines. And the U.S. General MacArthur was stationed in the Philippines. And when the Japanese came and invaded the Philippines, he was forced to leave.
And before leaving, his last words were, I shall return. On October 2.5 years later, General MacArthur kept his promise. He landed on one of the islands of the Philippines.
Where is that place? Somewhere in Samar, Haiti. That is why there is the memorial statue of General MacArthur. When he landed on this island, he said, I am now.
And this started the liberation of the Philippines from the Japanese occupation. If an ordinary human being can give a promise like this and fulfill it and do it, how much more the Son of God who promised us, I am with you until the end of time.
~Father Francis