Sunday, September 22, 2024

Dignitas Infinita

The text emphasizes “the inalienable value of that ontological dignity rooted in the very being of the human person and that subsists beyond all circumstances.

This dignity of all human beings can, in fact, be understood as “infinite ” ( it goes beyond all external appearances or characteristics of people’s concrete lives). Pope Francis, in the encyclical Fratelli Tutti , wanted to emphasize with particular insistence that this dignity exists “beyond all circumstances”, inviting everyone to defend it in every cultural context, at every moment of a person’s existence, regardless of any physical, psychological, social or even moral deficiency. In this sense, the Declaration strives to show that we are facing a universal truth, which we are all called to recognize, as a fundamental condition for our societies to be truly just, peaceful, healthy and, ultimately, authentically human.

Read more of the document.