Sunday, September 22, 2024

2021 Easter Egg Decorating Contest

Due to the restricted rules recently imposed by the government, we will again celebrate our annual tradition of easter egg making virtually. Last year, we had the most-liked decoration wins, but this year, entries will be judged by a committee based on creativity.

Who may join?

Open to kids up to 10 years old and only to those residing in the cities / parishes covered by the Diocese of Limburg.

Major Prizes: plus consolation prizes.

First Prize – 40 €
Second Prize – 30 €
Third Prize –  20 €
Consolation Prize – 

Special Prize on the Facebook Most Popular -20 €

Color and design your easter eggs creatively adehering to our theme: Celebrating Easter in the time of COVID-19

Per family, prepare two (2) pictures of your creative design.

First picture without the kids and without any names or identifying mark of the creators.

Second picture with the kids and names holding the decorative easter eggs.

Upload your pictures at The deadline of entries is on April 3, 2021.

The first picture will be posted to our website & FB Page on April 4, Sunday when the four (4) judges will begin their selection.
The winners will be announced and will be posted to the website and FCC Fabebook Page including all the entries with the second picture submitted.