Sunday, September 22, 2024
Bad HomburgEventsNews

Sto. Niño and Sinulog Festivities in the Diocese of Limburg, Germany

Filipinos express and demonstrate their faith in God in so many traditions, feasts, and devotions. One of the most beloved and pupular feasts celebrated not only in the Philippines but even abroad where there are Filipino communities is the Feast of Sto. Niño and Sinulog Festival. The feast of Sto. Nino has a special meaning in the Philippines. The image of Sto. Nino is the oldest religious image or statue in the Philippines.

The Filipino Communities in the Diocese of Limburg celebrated the festivities of Sto. Niño in Sankt Marien Church in Bad Homburg Germany on January 21, 2024. Despite the cold and icy weather, about 400 people attended the celebration. The program began with a novena prayer to Sto. Niño with a special intention for peace in the world. It was followed by a solemn mass presided by Fr. Francis Ofrancia, the chaplain of the Filipino communities in the Diocese of Limburg.

Another important highlight of the Sinulog festivities was the Sinulog Dance Competition participated by the communities of Limburg, Wiesbaden, Frankfurt, Bad Homburg and Wetzlar. Limburg was declaired the grand winner of this year´s dance competition and Wiesbaden came as at the second place. The Sinulog Queen 2024 was awarded to Cherry Billones from Wiesbaden.

Photo Credit: KrystelCaptures