Sunday, September 22, 2024
Faith BlogFrankfurt

Homily – Feast of the Holy Family 2023 / New Year’s Message

What lessons can our reading impart us to welcome the new year? From out first reading , first is the important of prayers. Our first reading from the book of Sirach says: ” Whoever honors his fathers, reserves himselff when he prays, he is heard. He stores up riches who reveres his mother. Whoever honors his father and is gladdened by his children, and when he prays he is heard. In other words, when we live close to God, very close our family and one another, God is happy and he listens to our prayer. So it is good to include in our wishes, in our ny reso to have more time for prayer specially the Sunday mass. That is the first- Prayer.

Second, from out second reading from the letter of Paul to the Colosians. St. Paul says: “Put on heartfelt compassion, humily, gentleness, forgive one another as the Lord has forgiven you. Overall, put on love – the bond of perfection. So second is love. Prayer and then love. It is good to inlcude in our wishes and new year ‘s resolution to be more loving in our words, in our actions, in our attitudes.

Third and finally from our gospel. To seek God’s will for our life. To be open to God; to what God wants us to do. To align my plans, my ambtions to God’s plans and desires.