Sunday, September 22, 2024

FCC Wetzlar Celebrates 13th Year Anniversary

The Filipino Community in Wetzlar gathered in St. Markus Church in Dalheim to celebrate their 13th Year Anniversary as a Catholic Community. They celebrated the occassion by holding a holy mass and a concert by Fr. James Ucab, a singing priest from the Diocese of Surigao and his brother Jerome Ucab who was the grand winner of Star in a Million singing competion in the Philippines in 2005.

The concert was hosted by FCC Wetzlar to raise funds for the reconstruction of San Isidro Labrador Parish in Malimono Surigao del Norte. Afterwards, there was a fellowship and agape in the parish hall.

The FCC in Wetzlar is a small community whose members are coming from the sorrounding villages arround the city of Wertzlar. St. Markus Church, where the community holds its monthly mass (every 4th Sunday), belongs to the main parish of Katholische Pfarrei Unsere Liebe Frau Wetzlar.