Sunday, September 22, 2024

Filipino Catholic Community Frankurt: 30 Years of Faith Journey

The Filipino Catholic Community Frankfurt celebrated its 30th Anniversary in St. Ignatius Church on September 24, 2023 with a mass and concert attended by more than 500 people. The mass was presided by Fr. Fernando Santos, SVD, the longtime visiting priest of the community from 1995-2007. The homily was delivered by Fr. Benedicto Pola, OC, the first chaplain of the community who served from 2008-2017. Fr. Mario Estrella, OC, the second Chaplain of the Community after Fr. Pola was also present. From the Diocese of Limburg, Ms. Alexandra Schumann and Winfried Montz also attended the event to represent the Diocese of Limburg Ordinariate.

After the solemn and beautiful mass, the Filipino Community Frankfurt staged a wonderful concert participated by the FCC Choir, the Priests and Friends, the Philippine Consulate General Frankfurt, the FCC Youth and Kids, and the Magnificat Choir.

Fr. Francis Ofrancia, the present chaplain, remarked that the Filipino Community exists to draw people to God through prayer, encountering Jesus in the word of God, liturgy, sacraments and community life. The anniversary celebration is a moment to remember and celebrate with gratitude the 30 years of God’s immense love and goodness and to renew their dedication and commitment to the mission to which Christ is summoning us to proclaim the good news of his love to all generations.