The Limburg Filipino Catholic Community is under the jurisdiction of the Bistum Limburg. The members of the community are Filipinos not only from Limburg but also from the neighboring places as far as Rheinland Pfalz and Westerwald.
This community started wayback in the last quarter of 2001 which was established by Rev. Fr. Fernando Santos, SVD, the visiting chaplain at that time. In the beginning, we have our masses celebrated in private houses, until finally, Fr. Santos, found a place in the (unterkirche) underground Chapel of St. Marien Pallotiner in Limburg.
On the year 2007 until March 2011, Fr. Robert Butele became our visiting chaplain. Mr. Werner Herkäufer, the former Referent anderen Muttersprachlichen Gemeinde introduced him to the community until finally, Fr. Benedicto Pola, Jr. OC, became the Filipino Chaplain and held his first mass with the community on April 16, 2011. On the same year, through the help of Mr. Peter Eisner, the community were accepted in St. Vincenz Palloti Church in Blumenrod where they hold their Masses and different activities as a Filipino community.
Through the years, the community survived because of the generous donors and fund raising activities of the active members of the community.